Publishing in the Open: FigShare!


Thanks to my dear friend and open data advocate Scott Edmunds, I started to publish “in the open” - in a more academic and official way. I have been licensing the work open source for a long time, but back then I was not aware of all the great platforms.

This is my new workflow:

  1. Write collaboratively on Google docs using the Zotero extension for group bibliography collaboration
  2. Make sure you have all the rights to publish and share - that everyone is cool with it. Ideally know the ORCID ID of your collaborators and add them on Figshare and ResearchGate BEFORE adding the works
  3. Export as pdf with a clear list of authors including their emails and source of funding. Don’t forget the exact date of publishing, academic supervisors etc…
  4. Publish on Figshare, to get a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - after you press « publish ». Credit collaborators and everything
  5. Attach « works » to your ORCID account
  6. Repost on ResearchGate, Mendeley, with Credits
  7. Repost on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…
  8. Oh - your own website. I love the "<embed"> of Figshare, so classy and fast. Add the DOI to save others time.
  9. Post on your academic profile at the Uni if you have one.