Common Core Teaching Development Grant - "Our Response to Climate Change: Hong Kong 2100, Common Core Course [CCGL9065]"


Teaching Development Grants (TDGs) are intended to support projects and activities that will have an impact on the strategic development and promotion of Teaching and Learning (T&L). To ensure alignment of TDG proposals with T&L strategies at the Faculty level, Faculties are required to provide matching fund equivalent to one-sixth of the total project cost for a successful TDG proposal submitted by their Faculty members. For priority areas and more details, please refer to Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)’s invitation circular (document 199/221).

20201204 CC2020_Proposal_ Design_the_Climate-Cesar_Jung-Harada-signed.pdf529.4KB
20210721 Common Core Grant - Receipt Record.pdf54.0KB
Common Core Grant Application TDG System.pdf212.1KB

A total amount of $69,640 HKD, will allow us to hire a RA for 3 months, as well as pay for exhibition materials and music composer for the video.