"Forging Futures" Summer Career Discovery workshop in Design

Can we design technology that embodies our future morals?

PROJECTS 1. Peace Bao: WONG Hiu Shing Hughson, LAM Ka Yin Audrey, CHAN Ming Wai Candy. 2. Persuasify: CHUNG Ming Hin, HEMNANI Bhavisha Anil, PANG Tsz Long. 3. Smartco: SO Li Yung Agnes, WONG Cheuk Ying Christie, TANG Wing Ka Jessica.


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Peace Bao- Designers: WONG, Hiu Shing Hughson, LAM, Ka Yin Audrey, CHAN, Ming Wai Candy- Short Description: Pop up medical shelter for ongoing protests- Category: health- Description: During the current protests in Hong Kong against the extradition bill and now for democracy, violence has rocked the city. The political instability has affected everyone. As students, we find it difficult to choose a stance in such a complex and sensitive situation. "Peace Bao" serves as a safe space for policemen, protestors and civilians alike to seek refuge from the ongoing unrest. In "Peace Bao", the tired and the wounded can obtain first aid from front line health workers.


Persuasify- Designers: CHUNG, Ming Hin, HEMNANI, Bhavisha Anil, PANG, Tsz Long- Short Description: Virtual child-parent persuasion interface- Category: education- Description: "Persuasify" is an interface that aims to make parents understand their children better through another perspective by seeing them as a much older version of themselves In this setting, children can reflect on their future career choices or discuss what they would change, so that both children and parents can have a deeper understanding of each other and their actions.


Smartco- Designers: SO, Li Yung Agnes, WONG, Cheuk Ying Christie, TANG, Wing Ka Jessica- Short Description: Neural-connected accessory for future realities- Category: Mobile phone addiction, Neuroscience- Description: Too many of us are addicted to mobile phones. This addiction has many adverse effects on our physical, mental health as well as our relationships. Recent developments in neuroscience provide many promises of a world in which computers can be directly connected to a human brain and encourage two-way communication. Our product prototype, the hypothetical product "Smartco" allows you to have a preview of what life would be like beyond smartphones.


JUNG-HARADA Cesar, SCHULDENFREI Eric, SIYAO LIU Lucy, WADE SMITH Austin, DE MONCHAUX Nicholas, NG Elaine, CHEUNG Dennis, GUPTA Deepa, WILLIAMS Thomas, BHAVNANI Chicky, LI Lok Yee Maria. Special thanks to CHU Jacky, JUNG-HARADA Abbie, YUEN Ming Hay Antony, LAU Carlos.






Tomorrow morning (Saturday) Aug 17th 2019, my nine young students are opening this small Design Show Forging Futures, HKU BASc Design+ student show. The theme is morality is design. It's pretty good for 2 weeks of work and their age. It explores design, technology, and morality today.

"What are the things we consider normal today, that we will think are immoral in the future? We have designed objects, experiences, stories that embody these moral futures."

Come say hi! HKU, Knowles Building, Room 203 (on the 2F). More information about the works in a future blog post.