The anti sustainability sustainability corporate sentiment


Sustainability managers in 2024:

  1. Short on staff
  2. Shorter on budgets
  3. Unaware colleagues
  4. Drowning in demands
  5. Impatient stakeholders

It's nearly impossible to have all the skills in-house to get the job done.

Consultancies often just scratch the surface and cost a lot.

Recruiting new colleagues sounds easier than it is.

That's why I liked Leafr - they match you with tried and tested top-tier freelance sustainability professionals, that instantly plug into your team.

Bring in the expertise you need, when you need it.

It can be a quick, flexible, and cost-effective way to succeed.

Give your sustainability teams the skills and resources they need here:

If you are in sustainability, what's your # 1 headache right now?

Any firm that says stuff like "sustainability is part of our DNA/core strategy" should staff and fund the sust team like a vital organ, rather than a cosmetic by hiring one (or half 🙄) of an ESG manager and call it done. Outsourced is also fine, point is budget-holders need to be realistic and not spend $10k and expect $1m of work done.

By comparison, tech companies are often measured by how much they spend on R&D as a percentage of revenue (15-20% and higher for early stage/breakthrough innovations) because investors understand that's an indicator of future growth and competitive edge.

Budgets don't lie. ESG disclosure frameworks should ask for sustainability team stats/spending (in-house or outsourced) to help investors gauge true level of effort.

From 2015