


I designed, engineered and built the hull of the ClearBot (version of Feb 2021) for the ClearBot project at MakerBay for my former HKU students Sidhant Gupta and Utkarsh Goel.

Special thanks to Thomas Williams, Aurianne Ricquier, and Chicky Bhavnani who also worked hard on this technology.

This project has been getting a lot of public attention, in the Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post, and other publications in China and India.

The official website: https://www.clearbot.dev/

Test of the ClearBot

Making of by Cesar Jung-Harada and Sidhant Gupta

Thomas Williams of MakerBay in action

Further references

In the Media


Clearbot v1

ClearBot Making of

Clearbot v2

Clearbot with Razer (not Cesar nor MakerBay)

Clearbot Partners with Razer to build Ocean Cleaning Robots