“Culture shift” is the megatrend blind spot for decision-makers

We have a huge blind spot when examining megatrends.

We miss our own minds, cultures as if we did not exist. Disembodied intelligence, out of the body, out of history, of the making of culture.

Megatrends – powerful, transformative forces that could change the global economy, business and society – have been changing the way we live for centuries. BlackRock

So I made this megatrend graphic:


Reports I read:

  1. BlackRock: https://www.blackrock.com/sg/en/investment-ideas/themes/megatrends
  2. BNP Paribas: https://www.bnpparibas-am.sg/thematic-investing/
  3. CSIRO: https://www.csiro.au/en/news/news-releases/2022/seven-megatrends-that-will-shape-the-next-20-years
  4. World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/videos/the-5-mega-trends-facing-the-world-you-have-to-know-about-adc650c483?DAG=3
  5. EY: https://www.ey.com/en_sg/megatrends

The OECD has an interesting take on education:

I feel most technocrats around the world are missing how culture is the underlying foundation of technology. We stand on each other’s shoulders as we invent the world we live in. And we can only produce what our social environment allows us to create.