Floating Marine Lab 2021 documentation is up!


For the past 3 years, I have been very fortunate to run this Master of Architecture elective on the project I am most excited about “Floating Marine Laboratory”.

  1. The first year (2019-2020) the students all worked together to build 1 full size fish farm with reclaimed materials >>
    "Floating Marine Laboratory" 2019-2020, ARCH7382A
    The format was “All students work on one big project”
  2. The second-year (2020-2021) the students build a marine biology lab equipment to grow oyster larvae, namely an upwelling and downwelling system and a downwelling system >>
    "Floating Marine Laboratory" 2020-2021, ARCH7382A
    The format was “The students break into 2 groups and make two medium projects”
  3. and this third year (2021-2022) the students each came up with their own idea of what could be done to contribute best to restoring oyster population and rejuvenate the oyster farming industry in Hong Kong >>
    "Floating Marine Laboratory 2022" ARCH7382, HKU MArch
    The format this year is “each student work on their own idea”
  4. image

    Of course, I am biased, but every year I feel we’re learning a lot in very different ways, building on what the previous years have built. So I invite you to check out their awesome projects here:

    "Floating Marine Laboratory 2022" ARCH7382, HKU MArch


    Thanks to the students for their hard works, and also the experts that have given us their time, and the judges that helped us to evaluate the works!